Saturday, November 3, 2007

Membership Meeting

Tonight was a big Portland Saturday Market membership meeting. We are in the middle of a big move (see earlier post) and usually November brings the choosing of spots for the new year. However, up until this point there has not been a concrete map of the new site. With no map, we cannot choose spots.

So tonight we saw a somewhat finalized map of the PSM. I took a picture with my cell phone. Not very good quality, and it'd be difficult to explain the new site. Basically... its the same, but different :)

And the meeting was the same as always. A lot of tired vendors, big drawings and layouts of the new site plan, and the one crazy old lady vendor who sits up front and heckles our board members.

Burnside Bridge, Portland
Originally uploaded by bridgink
What I liked was the mention of a long term dream, talk of using a lower deck on the west side of the Burnside Bridge and literally setting up under the bridge - like in Venice or London. Ooooh that would be awesome, the picture on the Right shows the part of the Bridge I speak of. All we would have to do is put a floor on the lower level of the bridge. The Steel Bridge was built in a similar fashion, the train uses the lower deck and the upper deck is car/pedestrian - the Burnside Bridge has the lower deck built, jutting some 200ft out over the water - and maybe one day the market might evolve to span out over the Willamette. I think that sounds romantic, like we are a European city. For now we will take up the North bound lanes of Naito Parkway, part of the under the bridge parking lot and Ankeny parking lot.

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