Saturday, March 1, 2008

PSM 2008 Day 1

<- look - no thunder-storms!! Yeah! it did rain a bit, but just the occasional showers mixed with sun. the weather man even claimed "hail" at one point for todays weather. instead it was a relatively beautiful day and an interesting Day 1 of the 2008 season of the Portland Saturday Market. The market was a buzz with Hellos and Welcome Backs! There were heaps of customers purchasing artwork and getting inspired by the sites. Always some sort of shenanigans and unique marketing schemes:
Cirque du Soleil is in town and they had people dressed up as angels with fluffy white wings advertising for the show (tonight is opening night). They were giving out plastic balls that had red puff clown noses inside with the Cirque logo.

And Idiotarod had a Portland race today - the finishing line was just down the road from my booth, so the home-stretched passed right by me! If you are not familiar with Idiotarod, let me explain (I was doing so all day to confused shoppers) This race is not to be confused with Iditarod, a dog-sled long distance endurance race in Alaska, extreme sport kinda thing. As to be compared with Idiot-arod: a grocery-cart group race that winds all over town long-distance style. Idiotarod features people that normally don't run, in themed costumes, pushing a grocery cart (also adorned in the group theme costume). Its more of a get-drunk-group-style kinda event. And its hilarious!!!

I know I saw a video on the Brooklyn one recently... where oh where did I find it...
here it is: note this video was made at the Brooklyn Idiotarod not Portland - but it basically shows what the race looks like, just replace the street background with Portland scenes... and remove the violent ending, cus there didn't seem to be any cart sabotage going on

so... my day at the PSM was good. Good business, good friends, good weather (for the most part) and now I am good and tired!

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