Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chakra Circles

Okay, this picture is really pretty terrible... but its all I've got at the moment.

Anyone that knows me, or sees me in the Aquila Glass Studio all the time, knows that I am forever cutting circles. One of the many things that I do with these circular glass puddles is make these straight hanging suncatchers - I call them my "Chakra Circles". I want to put them up in my Etsy shop and website for sale - but I don't have any good pictures of them. I need to take the time to get creative with them and take some good pictures. Most of my mobiles are more asymmetrical, so it makes a nice compliment, the lengthwise hanging of the glass... all the discs spin freely and it catches the light really well. I can do them in any particular colors, this particular 7 circle arrangement is symbolic of the Chakras. My mother is a healer and she has taught me a bit about this, so the mobile is inspired by her. Heres a link for her website:


  1. Ooh. I'd like to get one of those when they're ready.

  2. Gorgeous! Sign me up for one please!
