Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Glass Give Away!

A big thank you to everyone who has been helping me get the word out. Thank You and don't stop now! Keep spreading the word about the Garden of Leah, I will keep giving stuff away to my lucky readers!

These glass triangles are fused onto steel wires, the steel is relatively flexible, so you can bend it with pliers and it will hold the shape you desire. There are 10 of them. One lucky winner will receive all 10 in a box free of charge!!!

here you can see that the glass is a red color.... translucent... although the color is very dense, so they look nearly black.

I have meant to make something neat out of these for a long time. It simply just hasn't happened. So now I am passing on the fun - one lucky winner will get to make something crafty out of these yummies.

They are like jewels stuck on wires. Very yummy.

Be sure to send me pictures of what you do with them!

If you would like to be the lucky winner - leave a comment and spread the word. This give-away will run thru Oct 15th, 2008. I will contact the winner to get an address to send the prize.



  1. These are gorgeous! I'm seeing some type of menorah... I think. :O)

    These could be in front of the candles, so the light from the flame would come through the glass.

  2. Pick me! Me! Me!

    Awesome work Leah. I am now headed off to order a mini mobile for my car.

    :) Nancy

  3. Those are so cool! I see a funky art piece for the garden.

  4. oh I love the ideas already! Excellent!!! Thanks Lisa, Nancy and Krista!

  5. New babies and a husband have kept me away from lampworking for the last year and I miss you guys. Hope to get some inspiration back and start creating and learning again.....
    please add me to your giveaway!


  6. I have been gone so long and miss you guys.....babies and husband have kept me busy but hope to get some inspiration from you and get back into it!

    Ps.....add me to your free give away!

    Christy Greagor

  7. Oops...think I figured this out now!

  8. They look like yummy lollipops! Pick me so I can lick forever :)

  9. Hey Christy - I will happily enter you into this give-away - its nice to hear from you!

    Summer - you are entered as well - and I must say I agree they look like strange candies!

  10. OH the possibilities! Used to do stained glass, took my first fusing class a couple of months ago and can't wait to have some time (and money)to learn and do more...


  11. I'm thinking something dangly, almost mobile-like. But, duh! Your shop is full of stuff I couldn't top! Let's see...Perhaps I might tie them to the pulls on my blinds...or attach them to my boring old drawer pools...or use them in an altered book...or maybe make some jewelry...or encorporate them into a sculpture. Ahh, yes, that's it, a sculpture!

  12. Of course you know that I love brown and pink. So I think a few pink circles would go very nicely with the triangles...

  13. The blown pendent looks like the ones that you were talking about in class the other night. I can't wait to try one now.
