Saturday, November 1, 2008

Images on Glass Experiment

I finally took pictures of some of the samples that Jan and I created in our printmaking meets glass experiments.

Today I played hooky from the Portland Saturday Market (the weather was howling and rainy, not weather to sell artwork outdoors in my opinion) but I had to wrap up these glass pieces and take them down there to show Jan. She was bubbling with excitement and apprehension. It was quite cute really, I do believe she did a little jumping up and down when I arrived in her booth. And many other artist neighbors and friends stopped in to say hello. Everyone wanted to know why I wasn't selling (wasn't it obvious!) and what the glass looked like. It got pawed over and looked at by many artists, this was quite fun. Tomorrow we are doing experiment #2. I'll take more pictures and videos. It makes me smile to hear from friends who read my blog - so I'll keep the pictures coming.

So here are the pictures from the first batch... everything was printed on clear, so I put white paper behind the glass to take pictures:

the ginkos:The print above was transfered using wax paper and then dusted with glass powder, not a whole lotta detail, and the black powder is kinda boring... but interesting none the less...

The print below was transfered using vinyl (which was much easier and produced no wasted wax paper to throw out, the vinyl could simply be washed!) and then dusted with glass powder.
The 3rd ginko (below) was dusted with glass frit, this was much easier (the glass powder clung to the glass due to static and had to be brush off gently with a fan brush, but the frit was heavy enough to just fall right off the glass with a little tapping)

You can see in the pictures above and below the differences between using glass frit and glass powder. The frit was much easier to use and much more apparent, but the powder caught the detail. In the picture above you can really see its stars and circles with the powder, but not with the frit. In the picture below you can see the carved lines in the leaf with the powder, but not with the frit.

In the picture below you can see the same leaf printed and then dusted with black glass powder, and then a ghost (aka the ink left after the first transfer was picked up and used for a second print) of that same inking was taken and dusted with glass powder as well. The leaf on the left in the ghost.All the glass so far was fired with the ink printing right on the surface of the clear.

In the picture below all three samples were fired with a second piece of clear glass on top of the ink/glass powder print:

from left to right, the ink print was dusted with frit, the middle was dusted with powder and the right had no glass powder/frit at all, just ink. What is strangely cool is that even though the glass appears perfectly clear, the hop print is very visible, sorta, under certain light. Its very subtle and beautiful.

Below is the same piece of glass as the "clear empty" piece of glass on the right in the picture above. The ink leaves a permanent mark on the glass just like a fingerprint.In the picture below the flower print is first on the left dusted with black powder, the middle piece of glass is no glass powder, just ink, the glass on the right is the same piece of glass as the one in the center, just held at a certain angle you can see the beautiful detail.

The last pictures are of the paper-clip print. Both the pieces of glass below are two layers, you can see the bubbles that got trapped from the frit catching air in between the sheets of clear. The clear piece of glass on the left is simply inked, no glass powder/frit. Below is a picture of the paper-clip when its visible, I just think this is neat... but its super duper subtle.
The ink we used was a purple rubber based ink. Tomorrow we've got some oil based and some that has metal flakes in the ink (copper and gold) which I think will get interesting.... I'll try and take a better video tomorrow that doesn't cut off right when things get juicy :)


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