Friday, January 30, 2009

Finding Balance in the Office

I have been working on an idea that has been on the back of my mind for a long time. Juggling all the different roles of being an entrepreneur is always challenging. Being a sales-woman is an open opportunity for me, but mostly I squint at that open door and put it off for another time.

For years now I have been hoping that a sales-person would come into my life and want to sell my mobiles to doctors and dentist offices.

I think it would be wonderful to have a mobile to stare at while sitting in the chair at the dentist.

Mobiles are so hypnotizing and soothing - perfect for a doctor office. Colorful and fun, but calming and distracting at the same time. My doctor needs them in his office!

And the most tempting part of the idea is that there are hundreds of thousands of medical offices across the country, what an open market!!! (wheres my sales person when I need them!)

So I thought it was about time for me to try and do this myself. Be the saleswoman so-to-speak.

The first task (what I am currently working on): a tri-fold brochure. Second will be targeting some local medical offices here in Portland. I have a plan, I thought I'd just visit a few offices with my brochure and a small sample to give to the administrative assistant (a computer mobile) so that they will remember my visit. I'll start small and see where that goes.


  1. I think this is a great idea. I personally like when I'm at the gyno's and there's something on the ceiling for me to look at, versus having a conversation with them when they're doing their job. :O)

    I happen to be going through some female stuff and see the doctor pretty regularly of late. I might mention this, or bring in one of my monitor mobiles and see what they think.

  2. What a genius idea! I always use a little self-hypnosis in the dentist's chair...think what a boon to that a mobile would be!

  3. talk to planned parenthood? although you might have to donate to get them in there so that might not be a super great idea...

    also, my dentist is cool, his name is dr spathus and is on glisan and like 50th? ann and ben also go to him, I think I've turned him into the saturday market dentist...

  4. yes I think gynecologist offices everywhere need them :)

    Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. I am happy to compensate anyone who wants to be a sales-rep for me!! :)

  5. Do it! Do it! Do it!
    (this is coming from one who can't seem to find her own voice in selling stuff...)
    It's a great idea and it won't take too long to get feedback on it either. Pick 5 higher end offices and go for it. The idea of leaving a mini-mobi is fantastic too. Here's where my business coach idea comes in!

  6. My Gyno totaly needs one and is super open to art and the community.

    I want everyone to have a mobi.
