Friday, February 27, 2009

DIY Displays for the Portland Saturday Market

What do you think of my hand-made earring tree? After some serious detective work (thanks Judi and Danielle for the help!), I could not find one of those photo-umbrella-tree things that I was envisioning using to display my cute new earring line... honestly Ikea, Target and Pier1 all no longer carry those wire things... so I made my own. Its a work in progress, but hey, its a display.

I also made a few hanging displays for my little Oreccini Collection, I'll take some pictures tomorrow in my booth. I used round canvases that I've had for years, and T pins, and a mirror from the craft store... pictures would explain better than words.

The Pellegrini house has been all a whirl this week, preping for the beginning of the 36th PSM season, it will be my 8th season! Cleaning all my display stuff, everything that I had in storage and all the tubs of stuff here at the house. I have officially re-packed everything and I have a few tubs and bags of inventory ready to load in the car in the morning. Whew.


  1. It matches your mobiles really well. I like it.. it works!

  2. I think you did a great job on it! Works for me. Sorry I missed opening day. I wasn't ready - mentally or display-wise. Next week, next week.

  3. Hi Leah,
    I think you did a great job too. The earrings are so cute. I am in the process of moving my studio to a smaller space in the house, and am getting rid of a bunch of stuff. I have two of those ikea trees in the pile. If you want them they are yours. Just let me know. I hope the first day goes great.
