Monday, April 6, 2009

Tulip Festival

Today I wanted to take pictures of spring flowers. I love daffodils, they are one of my favorite flowers, and this year they were a little late to bloom here around Portland because of the cold winter. I found a daffodil farm not to far from home and called them up a few weeks ago, the website indicated visitors were welcome to come and pick flowers (or take pictures) but when I talked to them on the phone I was told that to wait till early April.
This morning I wrote down directions to the farm and Tim accompanied me out into the Oregon countryside to check out the flowers. It was a beautiful day and an incredible drive. I couldn't ask for better weather! And it was a great excuse to go out and soak up some sun.We were distracted by a sign on the road out in Hubbard that said "Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm"... the daffodil farm had turned out to be sorta quiet and didn't seem open to the public. So we turned around and went to down the road to the tulip farm. Suddenly we came upon a huge parking lot with a small fee to enter and a whole festival of tulips going on. Complete with a crafts show, sausages and curly fries, rides for kids and a couple of gift shops. And flowers - fields and fields of flowers. The tulips seemed to have begun to greet spring with all the sun that we got over the weekend. Some were open, although most of the fields were about to pop, looking green and ready. It would be neat to see this place in about a week, the rainbow of colors would be amazing I am sure! They are even having a photography contest with multiple categories to enter (macro shot, tractors and something else) so I just had a ball taking lots and lots of pictures. It was beautiful.
In the end I did get to see many daffodils as well - the tulip farm had quite a few, some on purpose and some seemed purely voluntary rebels, popping up in the meticulous rows of tulips, standing taller than the rest, saying "Hi Sun!"
In fact, in the fields that we drove past, many were wheat fields that looked like perfect grass fields, there were the occasional volunteer daffodils standing proud like little yellow flags. So cute.

I posted more pictures on my flickr account... I just had to share here on my blog as well. The farm (Wooden Shoe) is in Hubbard, Oregon. Not too far outta town and only $5/per car to enter the festival($10 on weekends). It was wonderful.


  1. Leah, we grow humungous numbers of daffodils here on Vancouver Island to be shipped all over North America to places that are unlucky enough not to have daffodils, but they are late this year as well. My favorite flowers are tulips despite the closeness of daffodils LOL, so thanks for the pics!

  2. lovely flower pics! but, um, curly fries you say?...

  3. Love the pics!!! Looks like fun!
