Sunday, May 24, 2009

Birthday Sunshine

Okay, so it was my birthday yesterday. I didn't turn on the computer all day!!!
Some friends came by and Tim and Tony helped me throw a little BBQ bash for the holiday. I put out some wire and glass beads so everyone could create birthday tiaras (Alexander Calder made some tiaras back in the day and this cracks me up - I thought it would be fun to see what everyone made!) Aren't they great!!!

And I set up the frisbee bowling - oh yes - you read correctly, Frisbee Bowling. :) Its sorta like frisbee golf but with bowling pins. Yup. And its pretty difficult, no matter how close you get! I couldn't get a single pin down. In fact, I even tried hitting some golf balls at the pins and launched one ball into the neighbors yard two doors down where they were having a party as well. Oh my goodness! I had to holler "sorry!" over the fences!!! No one was hurt. But the frisbee bowling was not entirely a flop - Byron and Judi both rocked out and got 4 of the 6 pins down. A tie for gold. To see action shots of their games click on their names :)

Tim helped me set up the hammock earlier in the day. It was such a sunny gorgeous day. I took the entire weekend off and relaxed casual style. Today I lounged in the hammock all afternoon reading a little Bill Bryson. Okay, so I fell asleep, and it was a glorious nap. I love my hammock.
Oh and of course I must add the gratuitous cat picture from this weekend - look at my cute cats sunning themselves in front of the beautiful flowers:
I've had a good weekend, ups and downs including. Good news: I'm one year older and had a fun birthday. Bad news: some drunk *&%#$@ drag racing in the middle of the day nearly killed Tim when he was out at the grocery store getting supplies for the BBQ. F*ckers raced right thru a red light and bashed right into Tim who was crossing the street. The new Hyundai took the impact amazingly well, the bumper is a mess but Tim is fine and I got to spend a few quality hours on the phone with police and insurance. Gotta love drunk f*ckers who drive on holidays. It was a hit and run, so we will have to pay our insurance deductible to fix the car and I doubt the f*ckers in question will ever get caught... at least their car got smashed in all along the side. But I found that stressful, I cannot lose Mr Tim, and I cannot handle any more people running into me or my cars! I swear its a life-long struggle. I wish this hadn't happened. The car is so new!! And the thought of Tim having gotten hurt is just too much to consider.

I dunno why I couldn't just have a happy-go-lucky easy birthday. I tried my best to make a stress-free birthday for myself, but some things are not control-able. There is always the up with the down. I do believe in balance, and life certainly seems to agree, but I find it sad and painful most of the time. Luckily seeing all my smiling friends (and cute baby Orson in his golden track suit outfit!!) makes me happy, and honestly Tim is fine and cars can be fixed.


  1. Happy Birthday, Leah! Sorry about the crash. Glad that everyone is fine. Be sure to check out my treasury. You are in it!

  2. Leah, I'm so sorry to hear about Tim and the car. What a buzzkill. I'm glad he's okay and you're right, cars can be fixed. Sending a hug,

  3. i had a great time at your party, and when i get the pictures onto the computer, you will be the first one notified of the silly brandon and his mustache tiara pictures we took when we got home. oh, and the mobile i made looks great in my dad's truck, hope he leaves it up!

    and, we just got ourselves a new old truck, we'll have to make a mobi for him!

  4. Oh noez!! I didn't have any idea about the car accident. Thank the goddess that everyone is alright! Sucks about the new car though. Anyway, the party was loads of fun. Happiest happiness!

  5. Great Party! Sorry about the smash. I had no idea. Bastards...

  6. Thanks for throwing yourself an awesome birfday BBQ! :D


  7. Oh no--car accidents suck! What a bunch of jerks. I'm glad Tim is okay, though, and I'm so happy that your party turned out to be so much fun! Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you had a party! We had a great time! Orson apologizes for being fussy, he had to much to drink :)
