Thursday, September 3, 2009

More Pictures from Dad

I thought I'd share some pictures of my Dad's wood shop. His basement "Man Cave" as he calls it. He lives on the other side of the country, otherwise I would be hanging out down in this basement with him. :) Instead he hangs out down there on the weekends (without me!) and makes wonderful things like boxes and tables.

Current project: a cribbage board box

Both my mother and father are creative people... my dad is an engineer/businessman by day(he works with huge turning machines that make car parts among other things) but he always has had a wood shop in the basement. I really enjoyed growing up with furniture that he made and a shop in the basement with all sorts of cool tools. Hes good too - I could go on and on with lists of things that hes made over the years. Love you Dad!

The following pictures are labeled by him... I had to include the labels :) As you can see hes an organized kinda guy (notice the pegboard behind the workbench, he would always know when I had "borrowed" a particular tool...everything has its place)

primitive man cave



original workbench 1975

Incra router fence

drill press, belt sander, Bulldog router table

DeWalt planner

1 Micro dust filter