Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Am I Doing Monday Morning? Filming for local Fox TV show!

I am going to be on KPTV Fox channel 12 sometime soon... filming is this coming Monday at the Aquila Glass School featuring me - local Portland Saturday Market vendor, glass artist, torchworking teacher, crafty-lady... so sometime soon a small segment will air on the show BETTER (I will update with video when its available)

This TV appearance has been organized by Reid Decker, the advertising coordinator for the Portland Saturday Market - thanx Reid.

Hope it's fun... I've never worked with "Better" before, the show airs at 1pm on weekdays. I gather its sorta like a locally oriented daytime news show. I am all about advertising in any way I can!


  1. WOOO! Should we tip a bucket of scrap over your head? You know, like they do for football coaches with Gatorade? :D

  2. hmmm... no!

    I'd be sparkly and bloody, all at the same time!

  3. Good luck, Leah! Have a great time filming the special!
