Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I wish I was not sick, I wish my brain would work (all it seems to tell me for the past 5 days is sleep - when the to-do lists and schedules of my world are getting piled up and disorderly).

I went out of town this last weekend... for my cousin's baby shower. The plan was a long weekend of fun times and visiting with family - I brought two cameras with me and lots of extra memory cards and battery chargers.

And then I caught some damn virus on my outgoing flight. It was a red-eye, I left at 10pm Portland time and got into Cleveland 9am Ohio time. There was a screaming child on my flight, she wasn't even a baby, just a screamer, and judging by her parents I don't blame her... if I had been that child I would have been screaming too. Instead I was the adult a few seats back shooting them nasty looks, cuz I am an ass like that. Yep. No one successfully slept on that flight and I doubt I am the only sick bastard dealing with the aftermath.

So my trip was ridiculous. Within a day I was full-on raging sick and had to be quarantined from the pregnant cousin and my elderly grandmother. I hid out at my mom's house, she took care of me with her magic healing ways, and I thanked her by leaving behind my virus for her to enjoy for the next few days. Wasn't that kind of me. I am sorry Mom, you deserve better :)

So... in the end I didn't take a single picture while I was gone. And it was so beautiful there - fall weather and the colors of the changing leaves. All my beautiful family members and my cousin's cute belly. It pains me that some virus made me so useless that I couldn't even come back with pictures. Ridiculous.

Okay, my whining is done. I just had to share.


  1. awwww Leah!

    was it the dreaded swine flu?

  2. I've been wondering what happened....

  3. Dang it, Leah! I just hope you and your mom are on the mend now. Feel better soon!

  4. sorry you got sick! orson knows just how you're feeling! get better soon!

  5. Feeling better yet? Sorry:(
    Sux Ballz.
