Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Printed Glass in the LeJa Shop

The LeJa shop finally has more printed glass available online! Slowly but surely I am trying to get a wide selection of Jan's hand-carved images represented online... there are so many more its exciting! Here are 5 I listed today:
"Water Faucet" available in 4 different colors $14ea

"Ducks in a Row" $14ea. available in 4 colors

"Rubber Duck" available in 2 colors $9ea

"Oak Leaf" $19


  1. Really cool glass pieces. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you have a huge successful holiday season.
    sincerely, Lynn McGinnis

  2. I love the faucet... well, actually, I love them all! You and Jan make a great artisic team!
