Thursday, January 7, 2010

Free Admission at the Chinese Garden in Portland

Tim and I went the Lan Su Chinese Garden earlier this week. We were going to head up Mt Hood to do some snow shoeing, but it looked really wet and rather warm up there, so instead we had a mellow day in the city. We went to the Garden and took the cameras and tagged along on one of the tours for the first time. Its always fun to learn something new about a favorite place. And it was free admission! What a deal! This made me happy!!!

If you live in Portland Oregon - check it out: the Chinese Garden is offering FREE complimentary admission until Jan 11th. They are celebrating the 10th Anniversary with 10 days of free admission and there's a schedule of fun free events as well.
So why not go down and take your camera and check it out. This would be your one and only opportunity to sit in the tea house and have wonderful little snacks while watching the rain drip off the fancy roof tiles and sip Tao of Tea teas from special cups - all without paying for admission to the garden! (you still have to pay for the tea, but usually you'd have to pay to get in the garden as well) And its such a perfect time of year to go. Seriously.

Rain + Chinese Garden = Wonderful.

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