Monday, February 1, 2010

Car Broken Into - Laptop Stolen :(

Ug. Heres the story: last night we went out to a movie (terrible movie by the way: A Serious Man) and left feeling all depressed... only to walk into the parking lot to find our car broken into. Both laptops were stolen. Ug.

My life is at a halt. No computer. Must go shopping now. We had to place so many police, insurance and whatnot phonecalls. OMG I spent an hour on the phone with Dell this morning. Honestly the only thing that might help us pay for all this loss is my renters insurance. But that seems pretty slim as well. Car insurance and computer warranties are worthless. Money spent that doesn't help. This is all very expensive. The car window alone is about $400 and the guy is outside fixing it right now. Big Ug. I can't seem to check my email and I totally screwed up my non existent g-mail in a frustrating attempt to get a g-mail going that fed my regular email into it... no such luck. Wow. I am glad that this is not life drama that involves being in a hospital... but its sucky drama none the less.

Oh and then I remembered that I am participating in a sale! Check it out: (I may not be able to check my email for a few days, but I can take sales and print out packing labels and such using my brother's computer) Feel free to help me pay for some jerk breaking my car window and stealing my computer - this girl needs another computer now!
The Etsy Glass Artist street team is having a sale! Check out this link to see many of the deals the shops have to offer...

20% off anything in my shop - convo me and I will send you a revised invoice reflecting the sale price!


  1. Oh man, that just frosts the cake. Yuki is my freind in dc. jan

  2. We're so sorry Leah! Feel free to come over and use our computer!

  3. Shit. That is more than a whole heap o' suckage. Don't forget to change all your passwords now too.

    Computer usage offer over here too.

  4. hugs to all you lovely ladies!!! Thanks for the luv. This has been so stressful!! I will be needing computer usage for the next 10 days :( new computer arrives on the 10th.

  5. I'm surfing Craigslist to see if those punks are selling your laptops. Mi casa es tu casa!

  6. Sorry, that is NOT fun. If your computers are somewhat "new", maybe you have some protection from the credit card that you used to pay for them? That's the good part about using credit cards for things like this, the extra protection. Thought I'd offer that suggestion, in case it helps.
