Friday, February 26, 2010

I Heart Art Party

The I Heart Art party at PNCA was fun! It was great to see so many artists all in one place! Big Thanks to Etsy and PNCA throwing this party for us!
There were Etsy people there from NY (Hi Vanessa!) and crafting tables where you could Gocco print your own IHeartArt postcard (dates of upcoming professional development classes were on the back of the cards)
I took home some of the extra printed cards so if anyone needs one, I've got some :) I thought I'd put some at the glass studio and in my booth at the Portland Saturday Market
There was also a button making table - you could make your own IHeartArt button. I love button machines. Someday I would like to own a button maker.
The food was good - we got enough to last the evening (Judi and and were the "food committee" and it was important there was enough food to last as long as the beer lasted, Oregon State liquor laws n' all)
big Thanks to Isaac and Leah B. for pulling this all off.
I heart Isaac's agendas :)


  1. Thanks for helping to make the Meet and Greet so fun!!!

  2. who knew art students would eat all that broccoli?
    great pix as usual!
