Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Check it out: my work was used in a movie!

A set designer bought a mobile I made for the movie "Remember Me" starring Robert Pattinson(aka the infamous actor from the Twilight series). I didn't know if/how they would really use it - and I must admit I did not see the film while it was in the theaters... so it was a pleasant surprise to me when I heard from a friend that they saw a mobile of mine in a movie! This movie is so hot in the rental land that it took me a few days and a scavenger hunt to find an available copy - but here it is. Tucked near the end in a scene where you can see this man carrying some tea into his daughter's room - you can see the mobile glowing in the sunlight, hung in the window by the painter's easel. The little girl is an artist and the mobile was bought to decorate her room. I think it looks great. I had to watch the movie a second time to find it :) It makes a split second background appearance. Ah well, its still exciting!


  1. oh you are famous now! hehe

    That's pretty cool Leah.. damn cool.

  2. VERY cool! You should use some SEO (search engine optimization) so that when people search for "awesome glass mobile in Remember Me" they find your site! Or put a special one up in Etsy, with Remember Me in the title, and his name, etc. Anything to get more hits/sales.

    Well done!

  3. Wow, that's very cool. It must be so exciting to see your work on the big screen (well, your TV screen, at least!).

  4. I love it!!!!! It looks AMAZING in the movie! I jumped out of my seat when I saw it;)
