My glass mobiles look beautiful in the rain, and many times I have thought about making a rain chain. My friend Sandy has been asking me to make her some for her garden... and its raining really hard out at the moment... so I got inspired to mess around!
While I am buzy here at home in the studio creating mobiles, I took some extra circles and whipped up a little bit of rain chain. If you don't know what a rain chain is, its a decorative element that functions in a gutter system to guide water flow down into drainage (or even better - into a rain barrel to store the water for future garden watering) while being more decorative and beautiful than a plain gutter.
Okay, so while I don't have a rain barrel (damn I want one! with all the rain we are getting lately it would fill immediately!) and I didn't want to disassemble my gutters mid downpour - so I couldn't test it out completely... BUT I do have some gutters that need to be cleaned out, and there is one particular section of gutter that needs to be fixed (when its stops raining I need to get up there and re-connect the gutter system and clean out the debris) so I took advantage of the steady drip and see how my proto-type works... I got completely soaked putting in a hook to hang it and its sorts late so its kinda dark in the video... but I thought I'd share!
Next I've got to actually set it up when its not raining, in the gutter system, to really see if it works... this test was just to see what the flow would be like. And that was a thumbs up!
Love it.