Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello Seattle

Hey people - are you in Seattle? Come visit me in my booth at the Fremont Fair! I will be up here in town for the weekend... my booth is on Fremont literally right by the Fremont Bridge - evidently this is the best section of the whole show! I am not sure why I got such a great spot - the show is HUGE and seems like I am surrounded by veteran artists who have sold at this show for years to get such a good spot... I am guessing someone must have decided to not do this year and I must have gotten their spot!

Today was a whirl wind of making, packing and driving. I have been super busy. My feet are tired. I am exhausted. Traffic sucked. Its windy out and my booth is sitting outside vulnerable. I hope its still there when I show up in the morning. Show starts tomorrow at 10am. Long hours too... goes till 8pm tomorrow and then Sunday from 11-6 I think. When I read the hours this morning I thought to myself "Leah, you should have researched this show before you signed up!" sheesh, long hours are not my style, and I made no arrangements to have a helper here with me to boothsit. Usually I would have paid someone to come with me and help, but this is the first big out-of-town show I have done that is outdoors, so I had to bring a canopy and I couldn't fit both the canopy and a helper in the car (canopy sat in the passenger seat - inventory and display stuff filled the rest of the car) But here I am and I think this will be a great show. I have lots of wonderful glass mobiles with me that hopefully will go home with new owners. And I am staying in a hotel with some friends, so it will be a fun weekend!

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