Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice Celebration in Seattle

I am back from Seattle - a LONG weekend of vending. A whole lotta rain. Seemed ironic to celebrate the summer solstice in a rain soaked outdoor festival.
The Fremont Fair was really amazing - absolutely huge - with everything creative you could possibly imagine.

I put a whole bunch of pictures on my flickr account. Check em out there.
Its been one hell of a week attending and speaking at the Summit of Awesome and then vending at the Fremont Fair. A bit overwhelming. I felt like the workshops I attended at the Summit inspired me in new ways. One talk in particular was a serious pep-talk for the sales person in me that is attempting to sell my own work. Whew - being the salesperson is one of the most difficult part of my life. Its a balanced experience though - its exercise (for real! setting up and taking down a booth full of artwork is a workout), its a constant challenge and its so rewarding getting to meet my customers and collectors in person.

While having a drink with friends Saturday night after the Fremont Fair - we all laughed at each other for "making it look easy" - because honestly, it is NOT easy. :)

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